Ø Young people will be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity.
Ø Young people will not be permitted to consume alcohol or smoke while participating in activities in accordance with Civil law in Ireland.
Ø Ensure appropriate supervision ratios of adults to young people at all times. Ensure that no young person is left alone with an adult. This will apply to both parish based activities and/or away trips/pilgrimages etc.
Ø When working with mixed gender groups adult volunteers of mixed gender will work in pairs if possible.
Ø Adult volunteers/leaders will not consume alcohol or smoke while having responsibility for or in the presence of young people.
Ø Bad language and offensive comments will not be permitted by young people or leaders.
Ø Leaders will not engage in rough play with young people.
Ø Leaders will not undertake any task of a personal nature for young people except in cases of medical necessity or when the welfare of the young person depends on it.
Ø Leaders will always engage with young people in an open manner and will not to show favoritism.
Ø There will be clearly designated leader/s within each group with whom young people can confide in if necessary.
Ø The parish has appointed representatives who will oversee the implementation of the Parish Child Protection Procedures. Contact details of the Child Protection Representatives are available on the Parish Policy Statement inside the main church door.
Ø The Diocese has a designated person who will promptly deal with all concerns/complaints brought to his attention. He will liaise with the appropriate civil and church authorities. Diocesan contact details are available on the parish Policy Statement inside the main church door.
June 2009
If you feel that any of the above could or should be amended, please do not hesitate to contact any of the parish representatives to discuss same. June 2013, June 2016, June 2021.