A Brief History of the Parish

Beannu na gCeadta
A Church is said to have been situated in Ballymah in early Christian times (600AD) - the oldest known church in the area is believed to have been located in Ballinvrinsig from where it was relocated to Corbally in the 6th or 7th Century. This Church appears in Diocesan records from 1302 to 1591. Inniskenny Parish Church ceased to be used in 1615. The first post reformation church was built in 1720 on Logans Hill beside on Boithrin an tSeipeal (Church Road) and was in use until 1821.

Events in Parish History (A Bried Synopsis)
1821-1831 Church was built in Ballinora with the leadership of Fr. Peter McSweeney
1841 Ballinora School on the same site as today
1845 Famine times and the ministry and death of Fr. James Prior who is buried outside the main door.
1850-1861 The Viaduct and Waterfall Station was built
1860 References to Bowl Playing in the area
1860 Stained glass window with Fr. David Horgans name
1874 Bell and Bell Tower with inscription "Erin go Brath" was installed
1901 Plaque to Canon McCarthy PP was erected
1924 Ballinora GAA was formally established
1931 Holy Water Fonts dedicated to Eithne Dineen, Sraleigh
1932 Ballinora Camogie Club was formally established
1944 Waterfall TUG-O-WAR team won the Munster Championship
1951 Bishop Cornelious Lucey visits him Home Parish.
1951 Pioneer Association and ICA was founded
1954 Waterfall Harrier Club was formed
1955 The Church roof was replaced
1959 The Grotto at Curraheen Village was built by voluntary labour and blessed by Fr. Richard Cronin PP
1976 Ballinora GAA Club acquired a new pitch
1979 Richmond FC was founded
1979 Further major renovations were carried out on the Church
1982 Ballinora Red Cross was established
1983 Ballinora GAA Hall was officially opened
1986 New Parish of Ballinora was set up by Fr. W. Dineen PP and was dedicated to St. James. Various ministries were instituted
such Ministers of Word, Eucharist, Maintenance and Alter Society
1990 Ballinora Scouting Unit was formed
1992 "Ballinora Parish - Past and Present" A History of the Parish by Ballinora ICA was published
1996 Bishop Buckley confers the 'Bene Merenti' Papal Medal on Maura Hegarty, Sacristan
2005 Parish Council and Assembly was established with Canon Donal Linehan PP, Special Liturgy and Faith Development and
Newsletter Groups were formed
2006 'Ballinora GAA - Under the Dropping Ball' - By Michael O'Connor was published
2009 Freedom of Cork City was conferred on St. Eucharia Buckley, Ballyshoneen and on Canon Denis O'Connor, Ballineaspaig
2009 Re-Dedication of the Church by Bishop John Buckley following a major restoration
2012 Canon Donal Linehan retires having served as Parish Priest for 14 years and Fr. Declan Mansfield takes over as successor.
2019 Death of Canon Donal Linehan following a short illness
2020 Ballinora joins the digital era and the Ballinora Facebook Page and Website are established
2022 Ballinora Parish entered a new era, when we joined the family of Parishes, Ballinora/Ballincollig/Ovens & Farron. During
this time Fr. Mansfield was transferred to Marymount Hospice to continue his great work there. Fr. John Collins moved
to the Parish as Assistant Priest. As a Family of Parish we are lucky to have 5 wonderful priests serving our communities.
Fr. Alan O'Leary (PP), Fr. Liam Ó'hIcí (PP), Fr. Kamil Bachara (CC), Fr. Ronan Sheehan (CC), Fr. John Collins (AP)
2023 The Church bell gets automated.
2023 Bishop Gavin confers the 'Bene Merenti' Papal Medal to Carmel Drinan and Michael Galvin for Long Service to The Irish
Pilgrimage Trust
2023 Deacon Frank McDevitt joins the Family of Parishes Ballinora/Ballincollig/Ovens and Farran