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For over 160 years Ballinora has been served by a primary school. For generations the school been in the community and are very much part of the community. We are privileged with the children and the families we work with but also of the generous support offered by the GAA. the church, the scouts, the retired gentleman's club, the ICA and the Tidy Towns.

There are currently 256 children enrolled in our school. Each with their own personaility, skills and talents. It is the privilege of our dedicated staff to work with these children and their families to explore, develop and support the unbelievable potential of these children.

Pupils engage in the full national curriculum, Gaeilge, English, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, Drama, PE and SPHE. The joy of attending or working in Scoil Bhailenóra is rooted in the high standards we set together and in the sense of belonging and community fostered by everyone working together. We aim to develop an understanding and appreciation of the local area's rich history to nurture in our pupils the desire and ability to be actively involved in developing their community, locally, nationally and internationally, now and long into the future. To expose the children to the full majesty of human, creativity, we constantly reflect on the delicate balance we offer pupils, everything from myths, legends, folklore and poetry to art, sport, chess, drama to science experimentation, STEM Challenges, coding. The interest and endeavour of the children coupled with active support of the parents and directed by the dedication and skilled staff, enable wonderful joyous educational experiences to occur in our school.
Check out our website: or follow us on twitter @SBORA to learn more.
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