Booking the Church
To reserve the church for your wedding please contact Fr. John on 0877462456. The booking are on a first come first served basis.
The Civil Registrar
Anybody intending to marry in the Republic of Ireland must give three months notice to the Registrar for the District in which the marriage is to take place. If you forget this notice three months in advance then you will have to go the Circuit Family Court for an exemption. The Registrar is located at Adelaide House, Adelaide Street, Cork.
Notice to the Priests
The woman you intends to marry must notify the priest of the parish in which lives three months before the wedding. The man must also notify the priest of the parish in which he lives three months before the wedding. This is so because it is they who will be completing the two sets of pre-marriage papers.
Pre-Marriage Course
Each couple must do a pre-marriage course. It is recommended that you book a course at least six months before the date of the wedding. Pre-marriage courses are given in Cork by three agencies. They are:
Accord, 5 Main Street Banty, 02750272, info@accord.ie
CMCC, Paul Street, Cork, 0214275678
NAOMI, 119 Patrick Street, Cork, 0214272213
Marriage Papers
You will need:
A certificate of Batism recently issued (note more than six months old)
Evidence of Confirmation
Evidence that you have completed a pre-marriage course
Proof that you had not been married before in some place where you had lived for six months or more since you reached marriageable age. You will get such a letter of freedom from the parish where you lived in whether in another of Ireland or abroad.
When you get these documents together bring them to the priest of the parish in which you now live and he will put them together as well as completing a lengthy form form containing such data as the names of the Best Man and Bridesmaid, your future intended place of residence, etc. At this stage you should make a contribution to the priest. He will forward all your documents the church where you are to be married.​
There is a church organ in the church. You may employ the organist of your church. You may also employ someone to provide other music instead of an organ if you wish.
You must make your own arrangements about the floral decoration of the church.
You may wish to arrange a wedding rehearsal with the priest. This can be arranged with Fr. John at a time that suits you all.